Friday, January 21, 2011

The Dream Home of all Corgis everywhere: Marrowbone, KY

Yep.  It's a real place!  It's about half an hour from here and I told Jerry if I'd been aware of it, I probably would have looked there for a home, too.  How Kentucky, to have an address of Marrowbone, KY!  It's almost as delightful as Buck Snort, TN, which is also a real town.  Ah, well, we are happy here in Summer Shade, which is most certainly an excellent name for a town.  I actually had someone ask me if it was a made up name and did I really live in a town called that!  It is real and is just a bump in the road, really.  They have a dollar store, a post office and a restaurant and I think a couple of gas stations.
Well, Jerry and I took a drive down the road to explore on Thanksgiving afternoon, after the feast.  It was overcast and really a bit gloomy but what a pretty road it is!  I made up my mind to go down that road again and I did, in December, and took some photos.  So here are some of them.
Marrowbone actually was the site of a camping place for both sides in the War Between the States.  Not the Civil War.  Nothing was Civil about it at all.  Or as some people from my past used to say, the "Wahr of Nawth'n Aggression".  :)  There isn't much on the Net about Marrowbone except as a passing mention of this camping place.  Here is the marker that is by the little stream that passes through the town.

Here are some photos of the little stream that was where they all camped.  It's really flat ground and there is a nifty little roadside park there.  I have thought of having a corgi picnic there, with it being Marrowbone, I'm sure it would be a hit!

I can't wait to see this spot when the leaves are out this spring!  The stream at this point was only about a foot deep, even more shallow in places.  Perfect for wading with corgis during the hot summer!
We have explored down the road as far as Burkesville, and want to go further.  I love driving around and looking at this beautiful area.
I do want to mention something that happened here in this town about a year ago, in March.  Apparently about 10 members of a Mennonite church here were killed on I65 near Mammoth Cave in a horrible auto accident, along with two others.  I guess it just devastated the town.  I was unaware of this until I was looking for some link tonight so you could all learn about Marrowbone.  What a terribly, terribly sad and tragic thing to have happened to such a close knit community. I am so very sorry for everyone who was touched in any way by this accident.
I am intrigued by the name and will try to find out where the origin of it came from.
Tomorrow I will share some more photos that I took along this road.

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